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Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Mary Sano, PhD
Site PI

Dr. Mary Sano is Professor of Psychiatry and the Director of Alzheimer's Disease Research at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She is also the Director of Research and Development at the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital, and the Director of a national multi-center study known as CLASP (Cholesterol Lowering in Alzheimer's Disease to Slow Progression). Dr. Sano is a neuropsychologist by training and is involved in designing and conducting clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and mild cognitive impairment of aging. In 1989 she received the Florence and Herbert Irving Clinical Research Career Award to develop methodologies for the assessment of therapeutic agents in Alzheimer's disease. She directed the first ADCS multicenter trial of vitamin E and Selegiline, and in 1998 she received the Veris Award for this study. At present she is the director of a new clinical study to determine if home based assessments can be used to assess treatments for the prevention of cognitive loss and dementia. She has also developed tools to assess the economic impact of subtle cognitive changes in elderly subjects. Other areas of interest include the role of depression in cognitive impairment and dementia, womens' attitudes about prevention of memory loss, and measuring quality of life in diseases of aging. Dr. Sano has also conducted work characterizing the cognitive impact of head injury, Sickle Cell disease, and mitochondrial disorders.

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Judith Neugroschl, MD
Site Co-PI

Dr. Judith Neugroschl is a 1988 graduate of Mount Sinai School of Medicine. After graduation Dr. Neugroschl was a Medical Intern at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, a psychiatry Resident at Yale University, and then a Geriatric Psychiatry Fellow at Mount Sinai. For ten years she was the director of the geriatric psychiatry clinic, and was also the Director of the Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship and Medical Student Education in Psychiatry. In 2009 she decided to turn her skills and interests to Alzheimer’s research. She is currently Co-director of the Education and Information Transfer Core of Mount Sinai’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

Allison Ardolino, MA
Site Liaison

Ms. Ardolino received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Monmouth University and worked as a research assistant in the Center for Human and Social Development at the College of St. Elizabeth. She went on to earn her Master’s degree in General Psychology with a specialization in Neuroscience from NYU. At the ADRC, she has served as the lead research coordinator on numerous ADRC trials and studies and has administered neuropsychological testing for a national longitudinal study on memory and aging through the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC). Ms. Ardolino currently serves as administrator for the ADRC, overseeing operations, staffing, and grant applications.